Zip Codes for Anabel, MO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Anabel, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Anabel is: 63431 .


Zip Code 1:63431
for Anabel in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 63431 from IRS Returns: $48,335.29

Congressional District for 63431: 2906

View your Representative for zip code 63431.

Anabel Zip code 63431 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 63431
Land Acreage: 120849441
Water Acreage: 285938
Number of Houses: 167
Approximate Population: 334
Male Population: 171
Female Population: 163
Pop. Under 10: 51
Pop. 10 to 19: 43
Pop. 20 to 29: 34
Pop. 30 to 39: 45
Pop. 40 to 49: 39
Pop. 50 to 59: 49
Pop. 60 to 69: 43
Pop. 70 to 79: 12
Pop 80 and up: 18

Skip to Roads in 63431 beginning with:
1 D K M N O S U V

Streets (37) in zip code: 63431


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
37701-37899 1ST ST


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
59900-59998 DALERELM


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
37300-37398 KENNEDY ST


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
36100-39799 MAHOGONY ST


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
22900-24799 NATIONAL AVE
35201-35299 NAVAL PL
36601-37599 NEBRASKA PL
24201-24399 NEST AVE
32500-34699 NEVADA AVE
26501-26599 NICKEL AVE
23301-23399 NICOLLET RD
36501-36599 NINA ST
37600-37899 NORDIC PL
37301-38799 NOVA ST
37601-37899 NUTMEG ST


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
23301-23399 OAKLAND AVE
38500-39099 OCEAN ST
26401-29999 ODESSA AVE
25701-28998 OLYMPIC AVE
39001-39498 OMEGA ST
39301-39399 ONIEDA ST
34701-35599 OPAL AVE
38401-38699 OPUS ST
24801-27499 ORBIT RD
39301-39399 ORPHEUS PL
37200-39598 OSPREY ST
39101-39399 OSSEO ST
36300-36398 OSTRICH PL
36001-37999 OTTER AVE
37500-37599 OWL ST
38001-38099 OXFORD ST


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
36500-38999 STATE HIGHWAY AA
37500-38399 STATE HIGHWAY KK
37100-37798 STATE HIGHWAY PP
30001-37499 STATE HIGHWAY V


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
37701-38099 US HIGHWAY 36


- Go back to: 63431 - or here for the top
37400-39799 VINE STREET RD