We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Appleton City, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Appleton City is: 64724
Appleton City Zip code 64724 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 64724Land Acreage: 317863533 Water Acreage: 3292311 Number of Houses: 959 Approximate Population: 1859 Male Population: 913 Female Population: 946 Pop. Under 10: 230 Pop. 10 to 19: 210 Pop. 20 to 29: 187 Pop. 30 to 39: 188 Pop. 40 to 49: 217 Pop. 50 to 59: 265 Pop. 60 to 69: 236 Pop. 70 to 79: 175 Pop 80 and up: 151 Skip to Roads in 64724 beginning with: 123456789ABCDGHLMOPQRSW Streets (108) in zip code: 64724
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7400-14999 700 RD
5300-9599 701 RD
6300-6499 726 RD
8300-8599 750 RD
3200-4899 751 RD
9400-9699 776 RD
101-698 7TH ST
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100-599 CONCORD ST
701-3599 COUNTY ROAD 10695
12200-12299 COUNTY ROAD 1086
1-99 COUNTY ROAD 11233
6600-6899 COUNTY ROAD 11345
5100-5399 COUNTY ROAD 12355
9800-10299 COUNTY ROAD 1326
6900-6999 COUNTY ROAD 13335
800-1699 COUNTY ROAD 13365
5500-6399 COUNTY ROAD 13615
700-999 COUNTY ROAD 14235
15001-15099 COUNTY ROAD 1426
6400-6499 COUNTY ROAD 14365
401-3998 COUNTY ROAD 15305
2700-3499 COUNTY ROAD 15815
1-3499 COUNTY ROAD 16335
15500-15899 COUNTY ROAD 2576
12600-14399 COUNTY ROAD 3066
10400-10499 COUNTY ROAD 3836
14300-14799 COUNTY ROAD 4
10800-13599 COUNTY ROAD 4066
10900-16199 COUNTY ROAD 4566
10200-14798 COUNTY ROAD 5576
9700-15099 COUNTY ROAD 6576
9600-10099 COUNTY ROAD 756
10300-12099 COUNTY ROAD 7586
14200-15899 COUNTY ROAD 836
900-999 COUNTY ROAD 9805
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100-798 HICKORY ST
12000-14799 HIGHWAY 52
5200-11999 HIGHWAY A
8000-11799 HIGHWAY AA
4800-7199 HIGHWAY B
6400-8699 HIGHWAY F
6900-8799 HIGHWAY H
11500-12199 HIGHWAY KK
3400-7899 HIGHWAY M
9400-14599 HIGHWAY P
400-499 HIRNI ST
100-599 HOLLY ST
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11100-16399 STATE ROUTE 52
6101-7099 STATE ROUTE O
5000-6599 STATE ROUTE P
2200-15299 STATEROUTE
400-499 SUNSET ST