Zip Codes for Bell, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Bell, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Bell is: 32619 .


Zip Code 1:32619
for Bell in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32619 from IRS Returns: $48,418.83

Congressional District for 32619: 1202

View your Representative for zip code 32619.

Bell Zip code 32619 On Google Maps
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Demographics for 32619
Land Acreage: 306167176
Water Acreage: 4008672
Number of Houses: 2301
Approximate Population: 4730
Male Population: 2415
Female Population: 2315
Pop. Under 10: 510
Pop. 10 to 19: 616
Pop. 20 to 29: 464
Pop. 30 to 39: 482
Pop. 40 to 49: 677
Pop. 50 to 59: 699
Pop. 60 to 69: 715
Pop. 70 to 79: 391
Pop 80 and up: 176

Skip to Roads in 32619 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D F G H J K L M O P R S U W

Streets (110) in zip code: 32619


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1000-7999 10TH ST
5800-6798 11TH PL
2200-7999 12TH CT
1300-7999 13TH PL
7600-8099 14TH PL
1-6499 15TH CT
1200-6499 16TH LN
1500-7999 17TH TER
1000-6599 18TH WAY


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1-7999 20TH ST
2200-7499 21ST CT
1-8798 22ND CT
2200-4899 23RD CIR
500-8599 25TH AVE
4000-4799 26TH AVE
500-6699 27TH PL
5500-5999 28TH TRL
2000-2999 29TH TER
4000-6999 2ND PL


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
500-6499 30TH LN
3401-4499 31ST AVE
1200-7799 32ND PL
4200-7299 35TH TRL
2800-6999 36TH ST
300-7299 37TH TRL
6000-6699 38TH PL


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1-8599 40TH ST
5600-7199 41ST ST
1500-6799 42ND PL
1-3499 43RD CT
1-6899 45TH ST
2000-4000 46TH CT
2000-8799 47TH TER
2100-5799 48TH ST
4300-6399 49TH ST
1500-1899 4TH PL


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1-7399 50TH ST
2200-7299 52ND CT
1-6899 55TH AVE
1000-5999 57TH CT
2200-5799 5TH ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1000-6199 60TH ST
1000-6399 61ST TER
500-6399 62ND CT
4500-4999 63RD TER
500-4999 65TH DR
1000-4299 67TH CT
6200-7899 6TH ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1-5499 70TH AVE
2200-2499 71ST ST
1-5699 72ND TER
500-4799 73RD WAY
2200-2499 74TH CT
300-4499 75TH TER
1700-2199 76TH TER
1900-3999 77TH PL
800-1399 78TH AVE
1300-1499 79TH TER
5000-7599 7TH PL


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
800-5499 80TH AVE
4001-4298 81ST LN
900-2299 82ND TER
4000-4399 84TH LN
3100-4599 86TH AVE
1000-5399 87TH PL
6300-6499 8TH ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
4300-4599 90TH AVE
500-1999 9TH TRL


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1000-1299 ADAMS ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
2600-3499 BELL AVE
2800-3299 BRYANT AVE


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
3200-3399 CAITLIN LN
500-999 CEDAR ST
3100-3899 CEMETARY RD
901-6999 COUNTY ROAD 232
3500-5999 COUNTY ROAD 236
4000-4599 COUNTY ROAD 307
1-1799 COUNTY ROAD 313
1-6999 COUNTY ROAD 340
1-4999 COUNTY ROAD 341
3500-5999 COUNTY ROAD 342
3200-9099 COUNTY ROAD 344
1000-1299 CRAWFORD ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
3300-3699 DURDEN AVE


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1200-1299 GASSETT ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1000-1299 HOUGH ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1000-1199 JONES ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1000-1299 KUSHMER ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
13600-13698 LANDALT ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
600-1998 MAIN ST
700-899 MYRTLE ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1600-2099 OAKS CIR


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1000-1699 PARIS ST
3100-3299 PATTON ST
1001-1099 PHILPOT ST
2800-3299 POWERS AVE


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
3100-3299 RAILROAD LN
1700-3499 RIDGEVIEW LN
1600-1999 ROBERTS TRL
1400-3899 RODEO RD
1600-2099 ROSEMARY CIR


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
700-899 SANDERS ST


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
1-8999 US HIGHWAY 129


- Go back to: 32619 - or here for the top
2700-3001 WESLEY AVE
3000-3199 WILLIAMS AVE