Zip Codes for Bogard, MO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Bogard, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Bogard is: 64622 .


Zip Code 1:64622
for Bogard in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 64622 from IRS Returns: $48,403.85

Congressional District for 64622: 2906

View your Representative for zip code 64622.

Bogard Zip code 64622 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 64622
Land Acreage: 170101036
Water Acreage: 199984
Number of Houses: 293
Approximate Population: 600
Male Population: 311
Female Population: 289
Pop. Under 10: 65
Pop. 10 to 19: 90
Pop. 20 to 29: 62
Pop. 30 to 39: 65
Pop. 40 to 49: 85
Pop. 50 to 59: 79
Pop. 60 to 69: 82
Pop. 70 to 79: 44
Pop 80 and up: 28

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Streets (68) in zip code: 64622


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
200-299 1ST ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
100-599 2ND ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
100-399 3RD ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
100-599 4TH ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
100-199 5TH ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
100-199 6TH ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
200-299 8TH ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
200-799 BROWN ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
17100-21399 C HWY
19400-22099 CR 130
19600-20099 CR 138
20200-22199 CR 140
19500-21899 CR 144
18900-18999 CR 151
22400-24499 CR 156
22200-22299 CR 158
16000-21699 CR 160
21500-21599 CR 164
22200-22299 CR 166
16600-17199 CR 167
18300-22599 CR 170
18200-19699 CR 171
17600-17699 CR 172
16601-17699 CR 173
16600-17499 CR 180
21500-22199 CR 182
17500-17699 CR 183
19500-19599 CR 184
16000-21199 CR 185
22700-24999 CR 190
13100-15199 CR 191
21400-21499 CR 194
18800-18899 CR 199
21400-27499 CR 200
13200-20799 CR 201
20200-20299 CR 202
14500-14599 CR 203
21100-21199 CR 209
26200-28099 CR 210
18600-19199 CR 211
18800-18899 CR 212
22400-22499 CR 213
20900-21599 CR 214
19500-20299 CR 215
15600-16599 CR 217
14300-20799 CR 221
15600-20699 CR 223
21100-23999 CR 224
14200-16999 CR 225
18300-18399 CR 227
18800-21199 CR 231
18100-20999 CR 241
17800-20299 CR 261
18300-20899 CR 271
19100-20699 CR 281


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
20700-24999 HIGHWAY
19200-20899 HIGHWAY 65


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
26400-27099 M HWY
100-799 MAIN ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
100-299 NEW ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
28000-28099 SILLONTA HWY


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
17200-24999 W HWY
100-399 WHITE ST


- Go back to: 64622 - or here for the top
13000-22499 Z HWY