Zip Codes for Camargo, OK 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Camargo, Oklahoma. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Camargo is: 73835 .


Zip Code 1:73835
for Camargo in Oklahoma.
Average Household Income for 73835 from IRS Returns: $41,927.27

Congressional District for 73835: 4003

View your Representative for zip code 73835.

Camargo Zip code 73835 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 73835
Land Acreage: 359544763
Water Acreage: 725158
Number of Houses: 177
Approximate Population: 309
Male Population: 152
Female Population: 157
Pop. Under 10: 40
Pop. 10 to 19: 43
Pop. 20 to 29: 23
Pop. 30 to 39: 36
Pop. 40 to 49: 33
Pop. 50 to 59: 55
Pop. 60 to 69: 47
Pop. 70 to 79: 20
Pop 80 and up: 12

Skip to Roads in 73835 beginning with:
2 6 7 B D F G M P R S T

Streets (35) in zip code: 73835


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
68900-69399 2080 RD
69100-69199 2090 RD
72100-72699 2092 RD
67500-67599 2110 RD
67200-68499 2113 RD
73500-75499 2120 RD
66700-67299 2140 RD
68400-76099 2150 RD
68900-75499 2180 RD
75100-75999 2210 RD


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
212700-213999 670 RD
203900-210899 680 RD
207600-209099 690 RD


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
205101-205199 710 RD
217200-217299 726 RD
214200-215599 730 RD
211400-212599 740 RD
210900-217799 750 RD
219000-219099 780 RD


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
208200-208599 BLACK ST
208100-208599 BOATMAN ST
200-68899 BROADWAY ST


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
208300-208599 DAY ST
208100-208499 DONLEY ST


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
208200-208399 FIELDS ST
68600-68999 FOURTH ST


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
208200-208699 MAIN ST


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
208200-208599 PARKS ST


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
-8B RR 1


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
68500-68999 SECOND ST
68700-68899 SIXTH ST
68000-69699 STATE HIGHWAY 34


- Go back to: 73835 - or here for the top
68600-68799 THIRD ST