We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Cross Timbers, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Cross Timbers is: 65634
Cross Timbers Zip code 65634 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 65634Land Acreage: 206157240 Water Acreage: 1661509 Number of Houses: 461 Approximate Population: 766 Male Population: 367 Female Population: 399 Pop. Under 10: 81 Pop. 10 to 19: 85 Pop. 20 to 29: 62 Pop. 30 to 39: 61 Pop. 40 to 49: 110 Pop. 50 to 59: 118 Pop. 60 to 69: 129 Pop. 70 to 79: 80 Pop 80 and up: 40 Skip to Roads in 65634 beginning with: CDEFGHLMOPQRSTUW Streets (63) in zip code: 65634
- Go back to: 65634
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40500-40999 CARLSON AVE
28000-28099 CARSON ST
12800-13299 CLARK ST
35000-36999 COUNTY ROAD 10
23500-24399 COUNTY ROAD 104
28300-28399 COUNTY ROAD 20
10500-10599 COUNTY ROAD 2YY
30500-30799 COUNTY ROAD 30
10600-10699 COUNTY ROAD 301L
10200-11599 COUNTY ROAD 319
15000-15499 COUNTY ROAD 339
11300-12299 COUNTY ROAD 34
13400-13999 COUNTY ROAD 367L
13100-16499 COUNTY ROAD 381
14400-15199 COUNTY ROAD 399
29600-33399 COUNTY ROAD 40
10600-10999 COUNTY ROAD 427
12000-12699 COUNTY ROAD 443
12000-12099 COUNTY ROAD 481E
12600-12999 COUNTY ROAD 481W
24200-26699 COUNTY ROAD 50
10600-12099 COUNTY ROAD 501
14000-14099 COUNTY ROAD 525
15000-26699 COUNTY ROAD 64
35300-36099 COUNTY ROAD 66
24500-24799 COUNTY ROAD 8
30500-32599 COUNTY ROAD 80
10500-12499 COUNTY ROAD 8C
33000-36999 COUNTY ROAD 96
30300-32199 COUNTY ROAD 98
23800-23999 CURNETT LN
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12700-12899 HERITAGE ST
29000-30199 HIGHWAY CC
13200-15499 HIGHWAY F
28000-34899 HIGHWAY P
13600-15199 HIGHWAY U
11200-12799 HIGHWAY VV
34400-40999 HIGHWAY YY