Zip Code 1:
for Curryville in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 63339 from IRS Returns: $50,569.77
Congressional District for 63339: 2906
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Demographics for 63339
Land Acreage: 219001557
Water Acreage: 1324681
Number of Houses: 476
Approximate Population: 1145
Male Population: 573
Female Population: 572
Pop. Under 10: 180
Pop. 10 to 19: 192
Pop. 20 to 29: 120
Pop. 30 to 39: 119
Pop. 40 to 49: 162
Pop. 50 to 59: 152
Pop. 60 to 69: 131
Pop. 70 to 79: 64
Pop 80 and up: 25
Skip to Roads in 63339 beginning with:
Streets (69) in zip code: 63339
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100-198 ASH
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100-299 CENTRAL DR
101-398 CHERRY ST
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200-299 ELM ST
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37900-37998 GENCORES
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12301-16799 HIGHWAY
2300-8398 HIGHWAY 54
17101-25299 HIGHWAY M
4500-6299 HIGHWAY MM
15401-16798 HIGHWAY U
3501-6599 HIGHWAY V
7901-9399 HIGHWAY Y
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100-399 LOCUST ST
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100-205A MAIN ST
101-399 MAPLE ST
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101-199 OAK ST
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201-299 PARK ST
4500-11299 PIKE 15
12001-12998 PIKE 16
12701-12922 PIKE 17
5501-6199 PIKE 18
6103-6103 PIKE 19
3100-3198 PIKE 25
15401-15499 PIKE 27
14800-16698 PIKE 31
3500-5999 PIKE 32
14500-15198 PIKE 33
15401-15698 PIKE 34
13200-14399 PIKE 35
7701-8099 PIKE 36
14501-15098 PIKE 38
8601-8699 PIKE 40
23701-23799 PIKE 442
3600-4687 PIKE 447
3400-3498 PIKE 448
3700-4999 PIKE 451
20600-22399 PIKE 452
6700-6899 PIKE 453
5001-6398 PIKE 454
19200-19498 PIKE 455
5201-6699 PIKE 456
5700-6999 PIKE 457
17800-18598 PIKE 458
17600-19498 PIKE 459
3901-4799 PIKE 460
17900-19898 PIKE 461
18301-18493 PIKE 462
7700-8299 PIKE 463
7400-7499 PIKE 464
18901-19299 PIKE 465
7001-8498 PIKE 466
7000-8199 PIKE 467
19500-22899 PIKE 468
7001-7799 PIKE 469
6600-6698 PIKE 470
23100-23198 PIKE 472
7100-8998 PIKE 474
8301-8798 PIKE 475
8300-8399 PIKE 492
21100-21698 PIKE 499
22500-22598 PIKE 500
101-199 POPLAR ST
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101-398 ROUTE
101-298 ROUTE M
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100-199 SCIENCE