Zip Codes for Deepwater, MO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Deepwater, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Deepwater is: 64740 .


Zip Code 1:64740
for Deepwater in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 64740 from IRS Returns: $44,072.15

Congressional District for 64740: 2904

View your Representative for zip code 64740.

Deepwater Zip code 64740 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 64740
Land Acreage: 249095676
Water Acreage: 28670402
Number of Houses: 1130
Approximate Population: 1884
Male Population: 956
Female Population: 928
Pop. Under 10: 148
Pop. 10 to 19: 209
Pop. 20 to 29: 141
Pop. 30 to 39: 175
Pop. 40 to 49: 255
Pop. 50 to 59: 325
Pop. 60 to 69: 333
Pop. 70 to 79: 218
Pop 80 and up: 80

Skip to Roads in 64740 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H L O P

Streets (211) in zip code: 64740


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
1-4199 1000 RD
1000-1099 1001 RD
700-12399 101 RD
100-199 1014P LN
1000-1099 101P RD
1-999 1020 RD
800-999 1021 RD
100-999 10212P LN
1-99 1024 RD
800-899 1031 RD
1-99 1036P RD
1000-1099 1039P RD
1-99 1040 RD
1-199 1050 RD
700-899 1051 RD
700-799 1055P RD
12100-12399 1069 PVT RD
1000-1099 1070 RD
800-899 1071 RD
800-899 1071 PVT RD
800-899 1075 PVT RD
800-899 1076 RD
800-899 1076 PVT RD
700-799 1081 RD
1-5699 1100 RD
10900-11399 1101 PVT RD
11400-11499 1103 PVT RD
900-999 1121 RD
10900-11099 1125 PVT RD
1-3399 1126 RD
3300-3399 1130 RD
10800-10899 1134 RD
10900-10999 1134 PVT RD
800-999 1135 RD
11400-11499 1135 PVT RD
100-199 11354P LN
11800-11999 1137 PVT RD
11300-11499 1141 PVT RD
10800-11199 1142 PVT RD
11300-11499 1147 PVT RD
10800-11199 1148 PVT RD
800-899 1149 RD
4400-11499 1150 RD
11400-11499 1150 PVT RD
700-899 1151 RD
700-799 1161 RD
800-899 1163 RD
900-999 1163P RD
700-799 1165P RD
3600-4499 1170 RD
8800-8899 1170 PVT RD
8800-8899 1172 PVT RD
8700-8799 1174 PVT RD
3600-4599 1176 RD
8700-11099 1176 PVT RD
8800-8899 1178 PVT RD
800-899 1181 RD
8800-11899 1190 PVT RD
800-899 1195 RD
11200-12199 1196 PVT RD
100-799 11TH ST
800-899 1201 RD
700-799 1211 RD
10900-10999 1220 PVT RD
700-899 1231 RD
700-799 1241 RD
700-899 1251 RD
1000-1199 125P RD
100-12399 1270 RD
7700-8899 1270 PVT RD
800-899 1271 RD
800-899 1275 RD
800-899 1291 RD
800-999 131 RD
1000-1099 141 RD
10900-12599 151 RD
12600-12699 165 PVT RD
800-899 171 RD
800-899 191 RD
200-299 1ST ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
700-12499 201 RD
800-899 207 RD
800-899 210 RD
800-899 213 RD
800-899 219 RD
800-899 21P RD
800-899 225 RD
1000-1099 229P RD
900-999 241 RD
800-999 251 RD
1000-1099 271 RD
800-899 289P RD
100-299 2ND ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
11200-12499 301 RD
900-999 331 RD
1000-1099 331 PVT RD
11100-12399 351 RD
1000-1099 353P RD
100-499 3RD ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
600-12599 401 RD
1-99 41 RD
800-899 421 PVT RD
700-999 451 RD
100-499 4TH ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
400-999 501 RD
100-199 5011P LN
700-899 501P RD
700-1095 51 RD
100-199 510P LN
700-799 513 RD
800-899 523 RD
500-599 551 RD
100-499 5TH ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
900-999 613P RD
11400-11499 651 RD
11300-11399 651 PVT RD
800-1099 671 RD
1000-12399 675 RD
100-699 6TH ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
1-499 700 RD
1100-1299 720 RD
700-799 723P RD
1200-1299 726 RD
300-399 7261P LN
200-299 7262P LN
1200-1299 730 RD
1000-1099 75 RD
1000-1299 750 RD
800-999 751 PRIVATE DR
300-399 752P RD
1200-1299 756P RD
1100-1299 770 RD
1-99 772P RD
1-99 786 RD
1000-1099 790 RD
1-799 7TH ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
1-1199 800 RD
800-899 801 RD
100-199 806 RD
1200-1299 806 PVT RD
200-299 808 RD
200-299 812 RD
1000-1099 813 RD
100-299 820 RD
1200-1299 820 PVT RD
100-199 8201P LN
100-199 8203P LN
1000-1099 820P RD
1200-1299 822P RD
200-299 826 RD
200-299 840 RD
200-299 844 RD
100-1299 850 RD
100-199 850P RD
200-299 854P RD
1200-1299 860 RD
11700-11899 869 PVT RD
900-999 87 RD
1200-1299 870 RD
1200-1799 872 RD
11800-11899 875 RD
100-199 8766P LN
400-499 876P RD
1200-1299 879 P RD
1000-1099 881 RD
11700-11899 881 PVT RD
200-299 8815P LN
100-199 8816P LN
11700-11899 885 PVT RD
100-799 8TH ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
2-799 900 RD
800-1099 901 RD
1100-1199 902 PVT RD
1000-1099 910 RD
1000-1099 915P RD
1000-1099 951 RD
1000-1099 961 PVT RD
1000-1099 961P RD
1000-1099 971 RD
1000-1099 975 RD
1000-1099 976 RD
1000-1099 981 RD
1-99 990 RD
1000-1099 999 RD


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
300-599 A ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
100-599 B ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
300-699 C ST
800-1099 CARRIAGE DR
11500-12199 CENTER RD


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
200-999 D ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
200-999 E ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
200-899 F ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
300-799 G ST


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
900-999 H ST
800-1099 HIGHWAY 13
1-5599 HIGHWAY 52
3400-3499 HIGHWAY A
800-12199 HIGHWAY F
1000-1099 HIGHWAY JJ
1000-12099 HIGHWAY NN
800-9999 HIGHWAY U
2-12999 HIGHWAY Z
600-12699 HIGHWAY ZZ


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
12500-12599 OLD HIGHWAY 13
19000-19099 OVERNER RD


- Go back to: 64740 - or here for the top
900-999 PVT 87 RD