Zip Code 1:
for Devils Elbow in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 65457 from IRS Returns: $41,916.67
Congressional District for 65457: 2904
View your Representative for zip code 65457.
Devils Elbow
Zip code 65457 On Google Maps
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Demographics for 65457
Land Acreage: 49207610
Water Acreage: 991386
Number of Houses: 152
Approximate Population: 338
Male Population: 164
Female Population: 174
Pop. Under 10: 47
Pop. 10 to 19: 48
Pop. 20 to 29: 50
Pop. 30 to 39: 36
Pop. 40 to 49: 58
Pop. 50 to 59: 48
Pop. 60 to 69: 25
Pop. 70 to 79: 16
Pop 80 and up: 10
Skip to Roads in 65457 beginning with:
Streets (23) in zip code: 65457
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37000-37099 CORENTRA RD
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Go back to: 65457
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16100-16199 HIGHWAY J
10100-11299 HIGHWAY Z
12100-12199 HUSKY DR
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Go back to: 65457
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12800-12899 TANK LN
21300-21599 TEAHOUSE DR
12500-21599 TEAPOT RD
20405-21799 TEARDROP RD
20700-21199 TEASLEY RD
20500-20599 TELLER RD
21700-21999 TEMPORAL RD
20400-20499 TIDEL RD
12150-12175 TIMBER RD
10300-10499 TOTEM DR
21400-21599 TOWNSHIP RD
20100-20399 TRAIL OF TEARS RD
12000-12099 TRAIN RD
21100-21299 TRANQUIL LN
10600-10699 TROUT RD
21700-21899 TWAIN DR