We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Drexel, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Drexel is: 64742
Drexel Zip code 64742 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 64742Land Acreage: 196170496 Water Acreage: 1115882 Number of Houses: 958 Approximate Population: 2193 Male Population: 1102 Female Population: 1091 Pop. Under 10: 291 Pop. 10 to 19: 320 Pop. 20 to 29: 241 Pop. 30 to 39: 221 Pop. 40 to 49: 327 Pop. 50 to 59: 342 Pop. 60 to 69: 246 Pop. 70 to 79: 130 Pop 80 and up: 75 Skip to Roads in 64742 beginning with: 12345ABCDEFGHIKLMNPRSTVW Streets (99) in zip code: 64742
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10100-11499 301ST ST
1500-1799 304TH ST
800-11499 307TH ST
1-5199 315TH ST
700-8299 319TH ST
5800-11799 323RD ST
7300-7899 325TH ST
8700-9799 327TH ST
10800-10899 329TH ST
1000-8599 331ST ST
8700-11499 335TH ST
2800-3799 339TH ST
1-599 341ST ST
1500-11399 343RD ST
2900-11999 347TH ST
2400-11698 355TH ST
100-799 3RD ST
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100-498 CASS ST
31400-31499 CLINTON RD
31600-31699 COLDWATER RD
34800-34899 COULTER CREEK RD
12600-16799 COUNTY ROAD 10001
15000-15299 COUNTY ROAD 10741
14400-17299 COUNTY ROAD 12001
14000-17399 COUNTY ROAD 14001
9100-13999 COUNTY ROAD 14002
8800-8899 COUNTY ROAD 14242
14700-15099 COUNTY ROAD 14321
14800-15299 COUNTY ROAD 14431
14000-14399 COUNTY ROAD 14702
9000-9399 COUNTY ROAD 14752
12900-16599 COUNTY ROAD 14781
4400-14699 COUNTY ROAD 15002
13000-14799 COUNTY ROAD 16002
9500-9999 COUNTY ROAD 17002
7700-12299 COUNTY ROAD 17402
16900-16999 COUNTY ROAD 8001
14300-15399 COUNTY ROAD 8541
14100-17299 COUNTY ROAD 9001
30700-31399 CROOK RD
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30800-31899 SOUTHFORK DR
100-30699 STATE ST
100-36698 STATE LINE RD
200-17799 STATE ROUTE 18
1500-34399 STATE ROUTE A
7900-12699 STATE ROUTE AA
30300-34399 STATE ROUTE D
30100-34999 STATE ROUTE O
1000-3499 STATE ROUTE OO
13600-14699 STATE ROUTE Y
200-299 STUART ST