Zip Codes for Dunnegan, MO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Dunnegan, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Dunnegan is: 65640 .


Zip Code 1:65640
for Dunnegan in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 65640 from IRS Returns: $41,986.84

Congressional District for 65640: 2907

View your Representative for zip code 65640.

Dunnegan Zip code 65640 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 65640
Land Acreage: 105377519
Water Acreage: 304370
Number of Houses: 362
Approximate Population: 887
Male Population: 447
Female Population: 440
Pop. Under 10: 126
Pop. 10 to 19: 141
Pop. 20 to 29: 88
Pop. 30 to 39: 89
Pop. 40 to 49: 134
Pop. 50 to 59: 130
Pop. 60 to 69: 99
Pop. 70 to 79: 59
Pop 80 and up: 21

Skip to Roads in 65640 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 G H P

Streets (54) in zip code: 65640


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3600-3699 10TH RD
23900-24099 1120 RD
23701-23898 1170TH RD
23900-23999 1424TH RD
23500-24199 1508TH RD
24300-24999 1550TH RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3700-3799 20TH RD
3600-3799 21ST RD
14900-15399 2281ST RD
13100-13199 2301ST RD
12000-12199 2375TH RD
11700-11799 2395TH RD
11400-11499 2401ST RD
11100-15599 2425TH RD
14900-16699 2451ST RD
12900-14099 2475TH RD
11900-12999 2501ST RD
10100-10199 2525 RD
3755-4099 28TH RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3700-3899 33RD RD
3700-3799 35TH ST
100-199 360TH RD
300-3698 365TH RD
200-399 368TH RD
100-299 370TH RD
300-599 372ND RD
100-599 375TH RD
100-199 377TH RD
200-299 379TH RD
200-799 380TH RD
200-299 382ND RD
300-399 384TH RD
800-899 385TH RD
400-899 390TH RD
100-799 395TH RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
100-199 405TH RD
3700-3999 40TH RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3600-3699 50 RD
3700-3899 52ND RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3900-4099 62ND RD
3700-3799 68TH RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3800-4099 70TH RD
700-3899 75TH RD
3800-3999 77TH RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3900-3999 85TH RD


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 65640 - or here for the top
3600-3799 HIGHWAY 123
3700-3899 HIGHWAY 13
100-25099 HIGHWAY A
500-799 HIGHWAY BB
10100-24899 HIGHWAY M
3800-4099 HIGHWAY O
37600-37699 HORANDIN RD


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