Zip Codes for Eagle Bend, MN 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Eagle Bend, Minnesota. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Eagle Bend is: 56446 .


Zip Code 1:56446
for Eagle Bend in Minnesota.
Average Household Income for 56446 from IRS Returns: $47,152.05

Congressional District for 56446: 2707

View your Representative for zip code 56446.

Eagle Bend Zip code 56446 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 56446
Land Acreage: 257998582
Water Acreage: 1053350
Number of Houses: 773
Approximate Population: 1597
Male Population: 834
Female Population: 763
Pop. Under 10: 213
Pop. 10 to 19: 194
Pop. 20 to 29: 156
Pop. 30 to 39: 171
Pop. 40 to 49: 190
Pop. 50 to 59: 257
Pop. 60 to 69: 209
Pop. 70 to 79: 134
Pop 80 and up: 73

Skip to Roads in 56446 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 6 A B C D G H I J M N O P S U W

Streets (85) in zip code: 56446


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
64200-64299 100TH ST
63500-64499 110TH ST
35100-35499 111TH AVE
28700-28899 113TH AVE
29000-39499 115TH AVE
62900-64199 120TH ST
27600-31399 125TH AVE
64200-64299 130TH ST
35600-36399 133RD AVE
27600-38799 135TH AVE
28100-28399 137TH AVE
29000-34599 141ST AVE
27300-36799 145TH AVE
28700-29899 147TH AVE
62400-63899 150TH ST
27000-32999 151ST AVE
37400-39799 155TH AVE
37500-38599 157TH AVE
33700-37799 161ST AVE
30400-36999 165TH AVE
35700-39799 175TH AVE
36500-36799 185TH AVE
100-299 1ST AVE


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
12800-15499 280TH ST
11200-13499 290TH ST
100-499 2ND AVE


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
10800-16299 300TH ST
11000-14899 320TH ST
12100-15399 330TH ST
10700-15199 340TH ST
15500-17099 344TH ST
14300-14399 356TH ST
14300-14399 358TH ST
12600-18399 360TH ST
11400-11499 364TH ST
12800-17899 380TH ST
11100-16099 384TH ST
12700-15599 390TH ST
100-799 3RD AVE


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
10900-15099 400TH ST
200-299 4TH AVE


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
13000-14999 625TH AVE
15500-15599 635TH AVE
14300-14799 640TH AVE
10500-12299 645TH AVE


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
300-399 ABBOTT ST


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
96700-96799 BELARINC


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
100-599 CLARK ST
15800-16399 CLOVER LN
28300-39899 COUNTY 1
11600-15799 COUNTY 14
10500-38499 COUNTY 22
28000-36399 COUNTY 3
12500-14999 COUNTY 38
29100-33099 COUNTY 71
17200-18099 COUNTY 78
17000-17199 COUNTY 80
10800-15499 COUNTY 82
15900-16699 COUNTY 84
11200-12699 COUNTY HIGHWAY 141
62300-64199 COUNTY HIGHWAY 46
10100-10199 COUNTY HIGHWAY 71
10500-17899 COUNTY ROAD 14
17800-20699 COUNTY ROAD 18
17800-17999 COUNTY ROAD 66


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
15900-17199 DOG WOOD RD


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
14900-19299 HEMLOCK RD
200-399 HIGHWAY 71


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
14100-15599 IRIS RD


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
100-499 JACKSON ST


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
100-1499 MAIN ST
15600-17199 MAPLE DR


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
14900-14999 NATIVITY LN
400-699 NELSON ST
100-399 NORTH ST


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
500-699 OAK DR


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
100-498 PARK ST


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
100-399 SOUTH ST


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
100-39499 US 71


- Go back to: 56446 - or here for the top
600-799 WELLS ST
16000-16099 WOODGATE LN