We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Green City, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Green City is: 63545
Green City Zip code 63545 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 63545Land Acreage: 296462311 Water Acreage: 1091251 Number of Houses: 597 Approximate Population: 1111 Male Population: 554 Female Population: 557 Pop. Under 10: 140 Pop. 10 to 19: 120 Pop. 20 to 29: 100 Pop. 30 to 39: 125 Pop. 40 to 49: 155 Pop. 50 to 59: 168 Pop. 60 to 69: 150 Pop. 70 to 79: 95 Pop 80 and up: 58 Skip to Roads in 63545 beginning with: 123456ABCEFGHIJKLMNOPRSW Streets (91) in zip code: 63545
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19500-21499 GALAXY DR
24000-24598 GARDEN DR
13401-14999 GATEWAY DR
19600-19699 GATOR DR
12701-12799 GENTRY DR
18600-19199 GLASGOW DR
17000-17398 GOLD DR
16001-16799 GOOSE DR
2-21099 GRANT ST
11600-11799 GROVE DR
17800-18098 GUARD DR
20200-21898 GULLY DR
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18601-18699 HARBOR DR
10301-11199 HARRIS DR
22600-23498 HARVEST DR
23101-24398 HAVEN DR
22901-24998 HAZELWOOD DR
14501-15498 HEDGE DR
17700-17798 HICKORY DR
58100-60999 HIGHWAY
10401-27098 HIGHWAY 129
1-59998 HIGHWAY 6
12000-17199 HIGHWAY B
60000-62799 HIGHWAY C
63001-64599 HIGHWAY H
59001-62098 HIGHWAY HH
58501-60999 HIGHWAY M
56400-57499 HIGHWAY VV
14600-17699 HIGHWAY YY
10700-10798 HOLLOW DR
21600-21698 HOMESTEAD DR
59500-63599 HWY 6
22600-22998 HYATT DR
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62401-62499 ODESSA RD
62100-62798 OMAHA RD
61701-61799 OPAL RD
62500-62598 ORANGE RD
58800-60399 ORION RD
62001-62099 ORLEANS RD
58801-58899 OWEN RD
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16401-16499 SHADY DR
300-398 SOURS ST
100-599 SOUTH ST
65200-65298 SULTAN RD
100-198 SWIGGY AVE