Zip Codes for Hamshire, TX 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Hamshire, Texas. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Hamshire is: 77622 .


Zip Code 1:77622
for Hamshire in Texas.
Average Household Income for 77622 from IRS Returns: $74,838.67

Congressional District for 77622: 4814

View your Representative for zip code 77622.

Hamshire Zip code 77622 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 77622
Land Acreage: 58132021
Water Acreage: 846447
Number of Houses: 567
Approximate Population: 1390
Male Population: 674
Female Population: 716
Pop. Under 10: 182
Pop. 10 to 19: 176
Pop. 20 to 29: 165
Pop. 30 to 39: 177
Pop. 40 to 49: 197
Pop. 50 to 59: 223
Pop. 60 to 69: 148
Pop. 70 to 79: 84
Pop 80 and up: 38

Skip to Roads in 77622 beginning with:
2 A B C D E F G H I J M O P R S W

Streets (45) in zip code: 77622


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
12300-12899 2ND ST


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
15400-15899 ALAMO ST


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
12700-13799 BERGERON DR
10600-10699 BILL GAULDING RD


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
11000-12799 CJB LN
15100-15399 CLIFF ST
15300-15499 CLIFTON AVE


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
15100-15399 DALE DELL RD


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
10400-11099 ECTOR RD


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
12800-13399 FIG PLANT RD
13200-13599 FORK DR


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
16000-17099 GALLIER RD


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
15400-15799 HALL RD
10300-16299 HAMSHIRE RD
12100-15699 HECKAMAN LOOP
21600-25599 HIGHWAY 124
20600-24599 HIGHWAY 73
16400-16599 HORTON DR


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
23100-25099 INTERSTATE 10


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
15300-15499 JACKIE RD


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
15400-15599 MAIN ST
15200-16499 MARSH RD
12900-13199 MARTINE RD
13000-13499 MAVERICK LN
12200-12699 MCCALL RD
13200-13699 MESA LN
13200-13499 MUSTANG TRL


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
15300-15599 OAKLAND RD
8800-9599 OLD BIG HILL RD


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
38300-38399 PACKERIN RD
12500-12599 PARK DR
15800-15999 PHEND RD
12600-14499 POWERS RD
14100-14199 PRAIRIE RD


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
-784Z RR 2


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
15400-15699 SAN JACINTO ST
16400-16599 SANDELL RD
13700-13999 SANTA FE TRL
12400-12699 SIMINO


- Go back to: 77622 - or here for the top
12800-19998 WARD CIR
9400-9899 WEBB RD
14300-21699 WILBER RD