We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Holualoa, Hawaii. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Holualoa is: 96725
Holualoa Zip code 96725 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 96725Land Acreage: 203066001 Water Acreage: 17384 Number of Houses: 1469 Approximate Population: 3592 Male Population: 1849 Female Population: 1743 Pop. Under 10: 437 Pop. 10 to 19: 402 Pop. 20 to 29: 414 Pop. 30 to 39: 449 Pop. 40 to 49: 468 Pop. 50 to 59: 640 Pop. 60 to 69: 436 Pop. 70 to 79: 215 Pop 80 and up: 131 Skip to Roads in 96725 beginning with: BGHIKLMNOPRTUW Streets (47) in zip code: 96725
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75-5400-75-5599 HAHAI ST
76-3701-76-3799 HALELANI RD
75-700-75-999 HIONA ST
77-2800-77-2899 HOINA RD
79-7100-79-7299 HOOPER RD
79-7200-79-7299 HUAAINA PL
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76-900-76-999 KAHAKO PL
77-400-77-599 KALAMAUKA RD
75-5200-75-5399 KALAMONA RD
77-100-77-199 KALANIUKA ST
76-5600-76-5699 KALEHELANI RD
78-6900-78-6999 KALELEI ST
75-1000-75-1299 KAMALANI ST
77-6200-77-6399 KAUMALUMALU DR
76-6100-76-6199 KEAKAOKALANI RD
75-5400-75-5599 KEALIA ST
75-5400-75-5599 KEKE ST
75-5300-75-5399 KENETI ST
75-5300-75-5399 KEOPU PL
75-2600-75-2699 KEOPU LANI RD
75-1000-75-1399 KEOPU MAUKA DR
75-1000-75-1099 KEOPU MILL LN
76-3000-76-3099 KIHEAHEALANI RD
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78-4200-78-4298 MAKUAKANE ESTATES RD
74-4800-79-7236 MAMALAHOA HWY
78-6900-78-7099 MANA OPELU LN
78-1000-78-1199 MOKUAIKAUA RD