We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Hughesville, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Hughesville is: 65334
Hughesville Zip code 65334 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 65334Land Acreage: 176587860 Water Acreage: 635462 Number of Houses: 347 Approximate Population: 935 Male Population: 477 Female Population: 458 Pop. Under 10: 141 Pop. 10 to 19: 159 Pop. 20 to 29: 91 Pop. 30 to 39: 109 Pop. 40 to 49: 130 Pop. 50 to 59: 135 Pop. 60 to 69: 89 Pop. 70 to 79: 56 Pop 80 and up: 25 Skip to Roads in 65334 beginning with: 234BCDEFGHJKLMPQRSTVW Streets (70) in zip code: 65334
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14300-15998 HIGH POINT RD
13701-17999 HIGHWAY 65
19001-25299 HIGHWAY D
15300-16098 HIGHWAY EE
200-20899 HIGHWAY H
14000-16998 HIGHWAY J
200-299 HOPKINS ST
100-203A HOXEY ST
21700-24699 HUGHESVILLE RD
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26200-26299 LACAR LN
20701-20999 LITTLE MUDDY RD
13801-14099 LONG GROVE RD
12500-13998 LONGWOOD RD
15700-15798 LOWER RD
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100-799 MAIN ST
15601-16298 MCANINCH RD
16501-17098 MCCLURE RD
20100-20499 MCCUBBIN RD
17201-21780 MCCURDY RD
14500-14998 MCGRUDER RD
22401-22699 MCNEAL LN
101-299 MOCKBEE ST
14801-14899 MOON RD
100-299 MOORE ST
24200-24699 MUELLER RD
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45700-45798 PALINCON RD
23501-23999 PARKER RD
17100-17198 PIN HOOK RD