Zip Code 1:
for Janesville in California.
Average Household Income for 96114 from IRS Returns: $74,724.22
Congressional District for 96114: 0601
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Demographics for 96114
Land Acreage: 176017772
Water Acreage: 5457339
Number of Houses: 1372
Approximate Population: 3220
Male Population: 1639
Female Population: 1581
Pop. Under 10: 379
Pop. 10 to 19: 508
Pop. 20 to 29: 239
Pop. 30 to 39: 336
Pop. 40 to 49: 514
Pop. 50 to 59: 589
Pop. 60 to 69: 371
Pop. 70 to 79: 194
Pop 80 and up: 90
Skip to Roads in 96114 beginning with:
Streets (109) in zip code: 96114
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464-100-713-999 APPLEGATE LN
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464-001-464-499 BANKHEAD CREEK DR
468-400-468-699 BASS HILL RD
466-600-702-999 BAXTER CREEK RD
708-100-708-199 BELLONES RD
465-000-465-000 BLEVINS LN
715-200-717-998 BLICKENSTAFF RD
461-501-710-099 BOVEE
708-800-708-899 BR AND S LN
462-600-462-699 BRANDY WAY
463-700-465-899 BUMPUS RD
465-600-713-799 BYERS PASS RD
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714-200-714-999 CAROLYN WAY
458-800-459-899 CARTWRIGHT RD
466-100-713-799 CAT CUT HILL RD
462-400-462-999 CHECK LN
462-100-464-199 CHRISTIE ST
464-010-466-199 CHURCH ST
462-800-464-999 CO A3 RD
464-400-464-498 COMSTOCK ST
465-500-465-999 CONRAD RD
465-600-715-599 COOK RD
715-700-717-899 CUMMINGS RD
463-700-464-199 CUNNINGHAM LN
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464-010-466-299 DE SHANE LN
463-801-464-000 DEERHAVEN RD
465-010-465-099 DIETER RD
464-001-465-009 DOWNS DR
463-200-464-099 DUSTY LN
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465-011-713-999 EASY ST
465-100-705-999 ELYSIAN VALLEY RD
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718-200-718-299 FOX RD
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459-800-460-299 GARRA RD
710-700-710-799 GRANITE KNOLL DR
465-300-465-699 GRIZZLY SPRINGS LN
464-500-464-999 GYPSY LN
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465-900-466-399 HANLON LN
465-800-466-499 HAWTON HTS
714-400-718-398 HEMPHILL RD
713-400-714-599 HICKS RD
463-700-465-199 HIGHWAY 395
462-500-462-699 HILLVIEW TER
464-200-713-799 HONEY GIRL LN
415-700-716-499 HYATT LN
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704-100-707-999 INDIANS RD
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462-700-462-999 JACE DR
461-900-462-699 JACKPOT LN
459-900-464-499 JANESVILLE GRADE
713-200-713-999 JETERS RD
464-300-464-599 JOY LN
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459-400-459-999 LAKE VIEW DR
458-500-463-299 LAKECREST RD
465-300-465-999 LAZY J LN
464-500-464-799 LENHART LN
465-600-465-899 LEONE LN
465-010-466-499 LINDBLOM LN
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463-200-466-599 MAIN ST
713-200-713-499 MARIAH WAY
465-695-465-695 MCBARRON LN
459-400-459-999 MCCLAY RD
465-400-465-999 MEADOW LN
461-300-461-899 MEADOWS EDGE RD
710-800-710-899 MELANIE RD
466-010-466-199 MOORE LN
462-800-462-899 MOUNTAIN WAY
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465-800-465-899 NOLAND
465-400-466-199 NORVELL LN
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413-300-713-799 OAK TREE LN
365-010-465-999 OLD CUT OFF RD
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463-101-463-399 PEDLEY RD
463-500-709-999 PINE ST
711-400-711-799 PINE ACRE RD
711-500-711-699 PINE NEEDLE DR
459-500-460-399 PONDEROSA BLVD
711-200-711-499 PROPERTY LN
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464-600-465-699 QUAIL LN
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708-800-708-999 R AND S RD
463-200-464-099 RAINES RD
719-201-719-299 REGINA RD
709-880-709-899 RIO DOSA DR
706-400-706-699 ROCKY RD
464-300-464-599 ROEBUCK RD
711-900-711-999 RYAN LN
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709-010-710-699 SADDLEBACK LN
466-300-466-398 SARA ST
711-700-714-199 SEARS RD
464-200-464-599 SHAFFER LN
461-750-712-399 SILENT OAK
708-400-708-599 SINGLETON LN
463-400-463-599 SPEARS RD
462-600-466-299 STANDSH BNTGVL RD
458-400-458-499 STUART LN
708-500-714-098 SUNNYSIDE RD
711-450-711-498 SUNNYVIEW LN
467-901-712-499 SUNRISE LN
467-800-467-999 SUNSET LN
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464-600-464-699 THOMPSON VW
708-300-708-499 TIETZ RD
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458-600-465-199 US HIGHWAY 395
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464-500-465-199 VALLEY VIEW LN
714-700-714-999 VISTA LN
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708-600-708-799 WARRING RD
460-200-461-899 WHISPERING PINE DR
706-010-708-999 WINGFIELD RD
708-010-708-199 WOODPECKER LN
460-700-461-199 WRAY RD