We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Knox City, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Knox City is: 63446
Knox City Zip code 63446 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 63446Land Acreage: 282272321 Water Acreage: 1244943 Number of Houses: 363 Approximate Population: 691 Male Population: 341 Female Population: 350 Pop. Under 10: 105 Pop. 10 to 19: 96 Pop. 20 to 29: 66 Pop. 30 to 39: 61 Pop. 40 to 49: 86 Pop. 50 to 59: 113 Pop. 60 to 69: 94 Pop. 70 to 79: 47 Pop 80 and up: 23 Skip to Roads in 63446 beginning with: 1ABCEFGHJMNPRSTWY Streets (63) in zip code: 63446
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60501-60999 EARNEST ST
51400-51498 ECONOMY RD
100-499 EDINA ST
51201-52299 ELECTRIC AVE
52500-53799 ELUSION AVE
52500-54599 ELVIS AVE
60800-60899 ENCINO RD
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50800-51798 FALCON RD
63200-64799 FALL RD
63000-63098 FAST
65100-65299 FEATHER RD
55001-55798 FINCH AVE
52901-53998 FIREBALL AVE
53101-54499 FOXTROT AVE
49500-49598 FRANKLIN PL
53101-53799 FREEDOM RD
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60501-62598 SAGEBRUSH ST
60501-60599 SARASOTA AVE
20201-20299 SEANTRAN ST
63301-63399 SHORT CUT ST
58001-58798 SKYLARK ST
301-62599 SOUTH ST
56001-65699 STATE HWY
59600-65799 STATE HIGHWAY 6
59400-62899 STATE HIGHWAY AA
63400-65499 STATE HIGHWAY HH
10100-65898 STATE HIGHWAY K
57100-60698 STATE HIGHWAY T
63100-64298 STATE HIGHWAY U
49900-55398 STATE HIGHWAY V
56501-58298 STONEWALL AVE
60201-60299 SWEET OAK AVE
59500-60698 SWEETWATER ST
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201-498 THOMAS ST
64200-64599 TIGEREYE ST
64200-64498 TODD RD
62500-62698 TOMAHAWK ST
62800-62898 TOPAZ ST
62001-62398 TRAIL CREEK AVE
63700-64298 TURTLE AVE
51201-51699 TWIN CHURCHES RD