Zip Codes for Lake Panasoffkee, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Lake Panasoffkee, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Lake Panasoffkee is: 33538 .


Zip Code 1:33538
for Lake Panasoffkee in Florida.
Average Household Income for 33538 from IRS Returns: $47,407.83

Congressional District for 33538: 1211

View your Representative for zip code 33538.

Lake Panasoffkee Zip code 33538 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 33538
Land Acreage: 241658541
Water Acreage: 38926451
Number of Houses: 2863
Approximate Population: 4789
Male Population: 2362
Female Population: 2427
Pop. Under 10: 503
Pop. 10 to 19: 494
Pop. 20 to 29: 405
Pop. 30 to 39: 444
Pop. 40 to 49: 605
Pop. 50 to 59: 684
Pop. 60 to 69: 778
Pop. 70 to 79: 586
Pop 80 and up: 290

Skip to Roads in 33538 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C G M O P R S W

Streets (215) in zip code: 33538


- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
2038-2232 10TH TER
701-2199 11TH WAY
1200-2235 12TH AVE
1248-2652 13TH AVE
800-936 14TH WAY
800-2393 15TH TER
1-99 1ST WAY


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1623-1793 20TH ST
1408-3412 21ST TER
1434-3585 23RD TER
2600-2699 25TH AVE
2786-2799 27TH TER
1741-1760 29TH RD
2201-2698 2ND RD


- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
1601-1783 31ST RD
6974-6977 33RD DR
2347-4698 34TH BLVD
7554-8398 38TH ST


- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
4000-5034 40TH TER
4100-4199 42ND PL
7201-7696 44TH BLVD
4607-4734 45TH LN
4705-4739 46TH RD
7601-7699 47TH DR
162-190 4TH DR


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4979-5098 56TH BLVD
401-499 5TH AVE


- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
6809-6998 61ST ST
4623-4684 68TH BLVD
5300-5315 69TH RD


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1079-1459 7TH BLVD


- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
1401-1499 8TH TRL


- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
1301-2398 9TH TER


- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
22-7020 C 470
18-64 CANAL CT
6780-8866 CR 247
7466-7542 CR 248
6164-6356 CR 248A
7450-7843 CR 248B
6458-6740 CR 248C
6044-6502 CR 248N
6255-6676 CR 249
6300-6398 CR 251
4301-5099 CR 300
4801-5120 CR 300A
4588-4799 CR 302
4547-4699 CR 303
4633-4702 CR 304
4500-4699 CR 305
4705-4731 CR 306
4701-4925 CR 306A
4784-4999 CR 306B
4650-4998 CR 307
3878-4358 CR 309
4740-4998 CR 309A
4750-4927 CR 309B
3693-4232 CR 400
2316-3998 CR 401
2414-2584 CR 401A
2392-2499 CR 401B
2200-3899 CR 401C
2401-2598 CR 402
4017-4099 CR 402A
2503-3785 CR 405
3654-3799 CR 405A
2400-2612 CR 405B
3757-3999 CR 405C
3566-3710 CR 405D
3574-3698 CR 405DW
3701-3925 CR 405N
2300-3799 CR 406
2100-3799 CR 406A
1900-2898 CR 412
3500-3699 CR 412A
2001-2168 CR 412B
2177-2179 CR 412C
2701-2886 CR 414
2501-2998 CR 415
2763-2765 CR 415B
2601-2799 CR 415C
200-2999 CR 416N
30-499 CR 416S
3000-3399 CR 417
3000-3399 CR 418
3001-3399 CR 419
2100-2198 CR 420
3000-3499 CR 421
1800-2999 CR 422
2901-2919 CR 422A
2800-2998 CR 422B
2001-2999 CR 423
1701-1999 CR 424
1700-2299 CR 426
2540-2984 CR 426A
2557-2928 CR 426B
2543-2689 CR 426C
2544-2799 CR 426D
2540-2980 CR 426E
2542-2798 CR 426F
2540-2709 CR 426G
1701-2299 CR 428
1900-2299 CR 429
2804-2919 CR 429A
2805-2833 CR 429B
2811-2813 CR 429C
2800-2824 CR 429D
3082-3199 CR 430
3051-3184 CR 430A
3021-3443 CR 431
1828-1988 CR 431A
3100-3209 CR 431B
3000-3317 CR 431N
1701-1898 CR 432
3001-3199 CR 432A
1700-1799 CR 433
1415-1695 CR 434
1511-1689 CR 434A
1501-1665 CR 434B
1400-1699 CR 435
1100-1599 CR 436
2255-2336 CR 436A
2200-2298 CR 436E
900-1499 CR 437
2100-2268 CR 437A
2200-2299 CR 437B
901-1398 CR 439
2000-2199 CR 439A
900-1098 CR 439B
1869-1998 CR 439C
1910-1982 CR 439CW
1856-1980 CR 439D
801-1398 CR 440
1162-1225 CR 440A
1100-1399 CR 441
1100-1399 CR 442
1100-1399 CR 443
2200-2599 CR 444
2200-2399 CR 445
2000-2398 CR 446
1301-1498 CR 446A
2401-2599 CR 447
2400-2699 CR 448
1366-1415 CR 448A
1401-1499 CR 448B
1200-1499 CR 449
1161-1299 CR 450
2300-2499 CR 451
2000-2399 CR 452
801-1099 CR 452A
900-2499 CR 453
800-1099 CR 454
801-2499 CR 455
700-1199 CR 457
901-999 CR 457A
1200-1598 CR 459
800-1399 CR 461
864-1399 CR 463
871-982 CR 463A
1001-1283 CR 463B
900-1299 CR 464
900-1298 CR 465
600-1082 CR 467
1215-1499 CR 467A
1300-1398 CR 467D
700-898 CR 474
841-998 CR 477
700-826 CR 477A
850-982 CR 477N
1001-1899 CR 479
732-973 CR 481
1305-1495 CR 481A
742-855 CR 481B
524-970 CR 481W
800-985 CR 482A
808-988 CR 482B
850-1122 CR 482C
1001-1198 CR 482C1
854-1099 CR 482D
26-1499 CR 482N
1-499 CR 482S
601-999 CR 483
976-978 CR 483A
843-962 CR 484
848-950 CR 484A
642-998 CR 485
601-950 CR 485A
500-799 CR 486
201-698 CR 487
354-462 CR 487A
301-1199 CR 489
26-299 CR 489A
43-306 CR 489B
1-199 CR 490
170-229 CR 491
53-103 CR 491S
115-299 CR 491W
1-119 CR 494
137-172 CR 494A
1-99 CR 495
2-199 CR 496
194-196 CR 527A
519-537 CR 527E
15-103 CR 527N
501-503 CR 527S
819-1199 CR 529
534-998 CR 529A


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- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
68-70 MAIN TER


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- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
13301-13399 PONERANA


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- Go back to: 33538 - or here for the top
2386-6602 SR 44
2405-2469 SUMTER AVE


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