Zip Codes for Laquey, MO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Laquey, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Laquey is: 65534 .


Zip Code 1:65534
for Laquey in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 65534 from IRS Returns: $46,068.00

Congressional District for 65534: 2904

View your Representative for zip code 65534.

Laquey Zip code 65534 On Google Maps
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Demographics for 65534
Land Acreage: 106029286
Water Acreage: 336136
Number of Houses: 431
Approximate Population: 1029
Male Population: 493
Female Population: 536
Pop. Under 10: 130
Pop. 10 to 19: 156
Pop. 20 to 29: 136
Pop. 30 to 39: 111
Pop. 40 to 49: 186
Pop. 50 to 59: 134
Pop. 60 to 69: 103
Pop. 70 to 79: 54
Pop 80 and up: 19

Skip to Roads in 65534 beginning with:

Streets (71) in zip code: 65534


- Go back to: 65534 - or here for the top
869-40199 DANDELION LN
38800-39399 DAWN RD


- Go back to: 65534 - or here for the top
39000-39099 EDGEBROOK RD
20700-40499 ELK RD


- Go back to: 65534 - or here for the top
39400-41099 FILLMORE RD


- Go back to: 65534 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 65534 - or here for the top
-515-1 HC 75
22100-24499 HIGHWAY
20700-34799 HIGHWAY 17
21900-21999 HIGHWAY 32
25000-28299 HIGHWAY AA
25400-27599 HIGHWAY AB
22500-29499 HIGHWAY NN
24000-25999 HIGHWAY P


- Go back to: 65534 - or here for the top
61600-61699 MILLOCKS


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- Go back to: 65534 - or here for the top
27600-27799 SABRINA DR
22870-27699 SACRAMENTO LN
26400-26599 SANDBAR LN
25600-26099 SANDLEWOOD LN
27200-27299 SANDSTORM DR
27600-27699 SANDY DR
25700-26099 SARAH DR
25200-30099 SASSAFRAS LN
25700-26099 SATELLITE RD
27000-27099 SATIN DR
24900-26999 SAVERY LN
29300-29399 SEQUOIA RD
26500-26699 SHEENA KAY LN
26100-26799 SHEILA DR
27500-27599 SHERMAN DR
26335-27799 SHERPER DR
25600-27599 SHERWOOD LN
22600-22799 SHILOH DR
26900-26999 SHRINE RD
23700-24399 SIERRA LN
27200-27499 SINGLE DR
29300-32199 SKAGWAY LN
27400-27599 SKYLER DR
26400-28599 SLEEPY LN
25100-25899 SOLITUDE LN
23600-24799 SONORA LN
27000-27099 SORRELL DR
27000-29199 SPARKER DR
22800-29999 SPOKANE LN
22200-22599 SPRINGER LN
27200-27798 STAFFORD DR
24400-24499 STANTON LN
26900-28999 STARBURST DR
25500-25799 STARLITE DR
22900-27999 STATUS DR
27300-27999 STEAMBOAT LN
27000-27599 STEELMAN LN
26600-27099 STEPHANIE LN
29300-30999 STERLING RD
23300-23399 STINGER DR
22800-27499 STOCKTON RD
27000-27299 STODDARD DR
21000-23099 STRATE LN
26900-27099 STUNNING DR
29900-29999 SUCCESS RD
28100-28499 SUMMER DR
23700-23799 SUMPTER DR
28100-28999 SUNFLOWER LN
26400-26799 SUNSHINE LN
26500-26699 SWALLOW DR
25500-27799 SWANSON RD
26900-26999 SWEEDEN DR
25900-25999 SWIFT DR
26700-26799 SWING DR


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16600-40199 WINNIPEG DR