Zip Code 1:
for Lentner in Missouri.
Congressional District for 63450: 2906
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Demographics for 63450
Land Acreage: 65771617
Water Acreage: 30473
Number of Houses: 69
Approximate Population: 132
Male Population: 66
Female Population: 66
Pop. Under 10: 11
Pop. 10 to 19: 12
Pop. 20 to 29: 12
Pop. 30 to 39: 9
Pop. 40 to 49: 19
Pop. 50 to 59: 26
Pop. 60 to 69: 15
Pop. 70 to 79: 18
Pop 80 and up: 10
Skip to Roads in 63450 beginning with:
Streets (22) in zip code: 63450
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6001-6499 HIGHWAY
3000-3098 HIGHWAY 36
6400-7999 HIGHWAY A
6701-6898 HIGHWAY TT
3100-3199 HIXSON RD
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45700-45798 LITATERA
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30101-30498 MONROE ROAD 149
17300-18099 MONROE ROAD 182
18100-18499 MONROE ROAD 194
18201-18299 MONROE ROAD 198
19201-19698 MONROE ROAD 284
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26601-30098 ROUTE A
17901-18499 ROUTE DD
3600-19399 ROUTE WW
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6901-7999 SHELBY 413
7801-7899 SHELBY 415
2201-2399 SHELBY 418
2200-2299 SHELBY 420
2401-2499 SHELBY 422
2801-3098 SHELBY 424
2401-2698 SHELBY 426
3200-3499 SHELBY 432