Zip Code 1:
for Leonard in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 63451 from IRS Returns: $61,371.43
Congressional District for 63451: 2906
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Demographics for 63451
Land Acreage: 149362011
Water Acreage: 248041
Number of Houses: 137
Approximate Population: 244
Male Population: 127
Female Population: 117
Pop. Under 10: 29
Pop. 10 to 19: 37
Pop. 20 to 29: 29
Pop. 30 to 39: 21
Pop. 40 to 49: 26
Pop. 50 to 59: 40
Pop. 60 to 69: 32
Pop. 70 to 79: 18
Pop 80 and up: 12
Skip to Roads in 63451 beginning with:
Streets (52) in zip code: 63451
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25400-25498 HALLERSI
100-199 HAZEL ST
2-2098 HIGHWAY 151
1-1598 HIGHWAY B
100-2771 HIGHWAY H
200-298 HIGHWAY M
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100-499 MAIN ST
47701-47799 MAVERICK PL
100-198 MIDDLE ST
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101-199 OAK ST
55900-55998 ODELL ST
68201-68299 OREGON PL
16500-16598 OZONE AVE
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Go back to: 63451
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600-999 SHELBY 100
800-1198 SHELBY 102
701-799 SHELBY 1021
1000-1599 SHELBY 104
101-1098 SHELBY 106
1001-1099 SHELBY 110
200-298 SHELBY 111
1800-1999 SHELBY 112
1600-2399 SHELBY 116
400-499 SHELBY 117
1401-2198 SHELBY 118
1500-2098 SHELBY 120
1201-1299 SHELBY 121
2800-3598 SHELBY 122
1701-1799 SHELBY 123
2501-3398 SHELBY 124
600-698 SHELBY 1241
1701-1998 SHELBY 125
2201-2299 SHELBY 127
2600-2698 SHELBY 128
1300-1598 SHELBY 129
3501-3599 SHELBY 134
2400-2498 SHELBY 1340
1400-1498 SHELBY 135
201-799 SHELBY 137
400-899 SHELBY 139
101-199 SHELBY 141
800-2299 SHELBY 203
2100-2399 SHELBY 210
1101-1199 SHELBY 2100
2301-2399 SHELBY 221
2401-2598 SHELBY 225
2601-3299 SHELBY 226
2501-3098 SHELBY 228
68900-68998 STATE HIGHWAY B
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100-199 WOODARD ST