Zip Codes for Model, CO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Model, Colorado. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Model is: 81059 .


Zip Code 1:81059
for Model in Colorado.
Congressional District for 81059: 0803

View your Representative for zip code 81059.

Model Zip code 81059 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 81059
Land Acreage: 2848329378
Water Acreage: 424391
Number of Houses: 112
Approximate Population: 651
Male Population: 576
Female Population: 75
Pop. Under 10: 23
Pop. 10 to 19: 20
Pop. 20 to 29: 206
Pop. 30 to 39: 161
Pop. 40 to 49: 116
Pop. 50 to 59: 73
Pop. 60 to 69: 36
Pop. 70 to 79: 15
Pop 80 and up: 1

Skip to Roads in 81059 beginning with:
2 A B C D E F G H K L P R S U

Streets (59) in zip code: 81059


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
12500-12599 2ND ST


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
16300-16599 AVENUE
16000-16399 AVENUE D
16500-16599 AVENUE F


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
59200-59299 BARKER RD
39100-44099 BEAR SPRINGS TRL


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
15000-16899 COUNTY RD
57700-57798 COUNTY ROAD 100.4
32000-35999 COUNTY ROAD 101.5
43700-44598 COUNTY ROAD 103.5
23000-23999 COUNTY ROAD 105.0
38700-42999 COUNTY ROAD 111.1
23100-23599 COUNTY ROAD 111.3
38500-39099 COUNTY ROAD 113.5
41000-59999 COUNTY ROAD 121.0
56500-56999 COUNTY ROAD 121.1
43800-44299 COUNTY ROAD 121.6
38200-39299 COUNTY ROAD 133.8
16500-16599 COUNTY ROAD 16.5
15200-15299 COUNTY ROAD 21.0
12000-12099 COUNTY ROAD 22
48000-48499 COUNTY ROAD 42
47500-47999 COUNTY ROAD 46.6
48900-53999 COUNTY ROAD 48
53001-53099 COUNTY ROAD 50
50500-50599 COUNTY ROAD 52.5
48000-52199 COUNTY ROAD 64
46100-46399 COUNTY ROAD 64.0
45000-45999 COUNTY ROAD 64.8
47000-47999 COUNTY ROAD 74.2
39000-57299 COUNTY ROAD 76.5
59200-60799 COUNTY ROAD 78.0
39000-45999 COUNTY ROAD 78.4
6200-6999 COUNTY ROAD 803
42000-62999 COUNTY ROAD 88
2300-5199 COUNTY ROAD 9
43000-43699 COUNTY ROAD 91.9
32000-32999 COUNTY ROAD 93.9
43000-57999 COUNTY ROAD 94.0
33000-33999 COUNTY ROAD 98.3
26000-26999 COUNTY ROAD 99
26600-26698 COUNTY ROAD 99.2
19100-19199 COUNTY ROAD C
14000-14999 COUNTY ROAD P


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
39500-39599 DEWITT RD


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
58300-59999 EL CAPITAN RD


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
12620-12699 FIRST ST


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
50601-54199 HUERFANO WAY


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
53101-53999 KIT CARSON TRL


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
94700-94799 LARRADON
54000-55999 LONGHORN TRL


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
39900-56899 PINON CANYON RD


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
16500-16599 ROAD 17


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
12500-12599 SECOND ST
54700-54799 SHIRE LN


- Go back to: 81059 - or here for the top
11600-63199 US HIGHWAY 350