We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for New Cambria, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for New Cambria is: 63558
New Cambria Zip code 63558 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 63558Land Acreage: 292449373 Water Acreage: 2117254 Number of Houses: 412 Approximate Population: 742 Male Population: 385 Female Population: 357 Pop. Under 10: 63 Pop. 10 to 19: 112 Pop. 20 to 29: 71 Pop. 30 to 39: 53 Pop. 40 to 49: 107 Pop. 50 to 59: 141 Pop. 60 to 69: 95 Pop. 70 to 79: 62 Pop 80 and up: 38 Skip to Roads in 63558 beginning with: ABCDEFGHJLMNPRSTUW Streets (76) in zip code: 63558
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11800-14499 BADGER ST
100-299 BANGOR ST
12600-13398 BEAR ST
10700-12799 BEE BRANCH AVE
13001-36099 BIRCH ST
12801-13699 BISON ST
11100-12998 BLACKSMITH AVE
13401-13698 BOB CAT LN
12100-13998B BRIMSTONE RD
14201-14299 BRONCO ST
25101-26999 BUGLE AVE
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32500-32598 CABLE AVE
13801-14698 CANNON ST
29700-29798 CANOE PL
200-299 CARDIFF ST
12800-13098 COAL MINE AVE
29101-33799 COLONY AVE
16500-17299 CONCORD ST
13201-15799 COYOTE RD
23900-26999 CRYSTAL AVE
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26800-26898 DAKOTA PL
101-199 DAVIES ST
16000-16798 DECAL PL
15400-16599 DECOY ST
27300-27398 DELAWARE PL
16401-16499 DELMAR PL
32701-33298 DENIM PL
16201-16299 DERBY ST
30101-30199 DESTINY AVE
22900-23199 DOE PL
16400-17899 DOGWOOD ST
16801-17198 DOVE ST
16800-16899 DYNAMO PL
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36100-36198 SAINT JOSEPH LN
12300-12699 SAINT MARYS AVE
39100-39198 SHARP RD
29901-33698 STATE HIGHWAY 129
24201-29399 STATE HIGHWAY 149
11501-33999 STATE HIGHWAY P
24100-26399 STATE HIGHWAY TT
23200-24698 STATE HIGHWAY VV
12100-12899 STATE HIGHWAY WW
12401-17099 STATE HIGHWAY Z