We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Oronogo, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Oronogo is: 64855
Oronogo Zip code 64855 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 64855Land Acreage: 112214544 Water Acreage: 522378 Number of Houses: 1078 Approximate Population: 2795 Male Population: 1415 Female Population: 1380 Pop. Under 10: 502 Pop. 10 to 19: 409 Pop. 20 to 29: 330 Pop. 30 to 39: 452 Pop. 40 to 49: 349 Pop. 50 to 59: 332 Pop. 60 to 69: 266 Pop. 70 to 79: 108 Pop 80 and up: 47 Skip to Roads in 64855 beginning with: 123489ABCDEGHJKLMNOPRSTVW Streets (116) in zip code: 64855
- Go back to: 64855
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900-999 CAITLAN DR
200-1399 CENTRAL ST
700-899 CLARK ST
11000-11399 COUNTY LANE 212
11400-11599 COUNTY LANE 214
12500-12599 COUNTY LANE 221
11200-19499 COUNTY LANE 225
11100-11499 COUNTY LANE 226
11000-22899 COUNTY LANE 227
700-13399 COUNTY LANE 228
12800-23499 COUNTY LANE 237
10300-20899 COUNTY ROAD 220
12200-12999 COUNTY ROAD 227
10000-20999 COUNTY ROAD 230
14500-15199 COUNTY ROAD 235
9300-13599 COUNTY ROAD 240
20500-20599 COUNTY ROAD 245
19000-19099 COUNTY ROAD 246
13600-18599 COUNTY ROAD 250
14500-14899 COUNTY ROAD 254
13000-16399 COUNTY ROAD 255
17200-18699 COUNTY ROAD 260
17100-17399 COUNTY ROAD 263
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900-999 HIGHWAY 43
1000-1099 HIGHWAY AA
300-1099 HIGHWAY D
100-899 HIGHWAY MM
100-299 HOME ST
500-799 HOWE ST
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23500-23999 JAGUAR RD
300-599 JAMES ST
500-599 JASPER ST
100-299 JOHN ST
600-699 JOSH CT
24200-24299 JULEP LN
24000-24099 JUSTICE LN
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100-299 MABEL CT
22400-22499 MAHOGANY LN
200-24799 MAPLE RD
100-299 MARK PL
22000-23999 MAVERICK RD
22500-22599 MERCURY LN
1000-1199 MILLRUSS PL
300-799 MINERAL ST
300-499 MORGAN ST
200-399 MUNSON ST
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600-699 OAK ST
25400-25799 OAK HILL LN
25200-25399 OLD HICKORY LN
25300-25499 OLD SMOKEY LN
23800-23999 OREO LN
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300-399 SAMPSON ST
900-999 SAMTHEA DR
500-699 SARAH LN
700-799 SEAN CT
13000-20699 STATE HIGHWAY 43
1000-23999 STATE HIGHWAY 96
100-299 STILES DR
21600-25699 SUMAC RD
1000-1299 SUNRISE DR
1000-1299 SUNSET DR
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24300-24499 THISTLE RD
22100-23999 THORN RD
100-499 TIFFNEY DR
24600-25399 TRAIL RIDGE LN
21800-21899 TRANQUIL RD
600-699 TY CT