Zip Codes for Paden, OK 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Paden, Oklahoma. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Paden is: 74860 .


Zip Code 1:74860
for Paden in Oklahoma.
Average Household Income for 74860 from IRS Returns: $45,828.13

Congressional District for 74860: 4003

View your Representative for zip code 74860.

Paden Zip code 74860 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 74860
Land Acreage: 250397878
Water Acreage: 2687990
Number of Houses: 757
Approximate Population: 1653
Male Population: 832
Female Population: 821
Pop. Under 10: 218
Pop. 10 to 19: 229
Pop. 20 to 29: 177
Pop. 30 to 39: 177
Pop. 40 to 49: 232
Pop. 50 to 59: 260
Pop. 60 to 69: 176
Pop. 70 to 79: 122
Pop 80 and up: 62

Skip to Roads in 74860 beginning with:
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 C E G H L M O P R U W

Streets (65) in zip code: 74860


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
359100-363099 1000 RD
362000-362099 1005 RD
360000-361199 1010 RD
359000-366199 1020 RD
360000-360099 1028 RD
359000-361099 1030 RD
362000-362199 1035 RD
360000-361099 1040 RD
359000-360199 1050 RD
361100-361199 1057 RD
358100-360199 1060 RD
361000-362099 1070 RD
359100-359199 1075 RD
360000-361199 1080 RD
360000-360099 1082 RD
359100-360099 1085 RD
358100-361199 1090 RD
100-399 10TH ST
359100-362199 1100 RD
359100-359199 1110 RD
200-299 1ST ST


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300-398 2ND ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
104000-105099 3589 RD
102100-109199 3590 RD
104100-104199 3598 RD
98100-110199 3600 RD
99000-99099 3602 RD
105000-105099 3605 RD
98000-110099 3610 RD
95000-95099 3615 RD
104100-105099 3619 RD
47100-47999 361ST ST
95000-110199 3620 RD
95100-107099 3630 RD
102100-102199 3635 RD
102000-102099 3643 RD
95100-95199 3644 RD
95100-98199 3650 RD
200-299 3RD RD


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-199 5TH ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-299 6TH ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-499 7TH ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
200-598 8TH ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
361000-361099 950 RD
361000-365099 960 RD
359100-365199 970 RD
361000-362099 980 RD
359000-365099 990 RD
361100-361199 995 RD
100-699 9TH ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-2999 CEDAR ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-999 ELM ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
3300-3398 HIGHWAY 62


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
13100-13198 LARRELDE RD


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-899 MAIN ST
100-999 MAPLE ST


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-998 OAK ST
1400-1499 OAKDALE RD
362000-363099 OLD HIGHWAY 62


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
- RR 1


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
358100-363099 US HIGHWAY 62


- Go back to: 74860 - or here for the top
100-999 WALNUT ST