We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Tarawa Terrace, North Carolina. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Tarawa Terrace is: 28543
Tarawa Terrace Zip code 28543 On Google Maps Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location: Demographics for 28543Land Acreage: 5339136 Water Acreage: 1304352 Number of Houses: 1430 Approximate Population: 4699 Male Population: 2270 Female Population: 2429 Pop. Under 10: 1825 Pop. 10 to 19: 326 Pop. 20 to 29: 2031 Pop. 30 to 39: 406 Pop. 40 to 49: 90 Pop. 50 to 59: 12 Pop. 60 to 69: 5 Pop. 70 to 79: 3 Pop 80 and up: 1 Skip to Roads in 28543 beginning with: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTVW Streets (96) in zip code: 28543
- Go back to: 28543
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4300-5299 A ST
5300-5399 AHRENS CT
1500-6999 ALBANY RD
5600-5699 ALLARD CT
6500-6599 ALLEN LN
5700-5899 ANDERBERG LN
4261-5699 ANDERSON CT
4004-4019 ARSENAULT CT
1301-6899 ATLANTA RD
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1600-6899 BALTIMORE RD
4080-4097 BARKER CT
6200-6299 BASILONE ST
300-399 BELLAT CT
6000-6099 BERANEK CIR
5301-5399 BLANTRED RD
6800-7099 BOSTON RD
5300-5399 BOWMAN CT
6301-6383 BRAY ST
5000-5099 BRIXEY CT
- Go back to: 28543
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100-7199 CAMP KNOX RD
900-999 CARLTON CT
6700-6799 CARSON ST
900-1099 CASE CT
5400-5499 CASTLE CT
6100-6199 CHOSIN CIR
5500-5599 COOK CT
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6100-6199 DAIGLE ST
7000-7099 DAYTONA RD
6400-6499 DELONG ST
6900-6999 DENVER RD
901-6999 DETROIT RD
5200-5299 DIMON CT
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3301-6099 HAGARU DR
1200-1299 HARVEY CT
5300-5399 HOFFMAN CT
5100-5199 HOWARD CT
279-279 HUFF DR
3501-6199 HUNGNAM PL
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1200-1299 MASSARO CT
1500-4079 MATANIKAU ST
5400-5499 MCGREEVEY CT
700-6999 MIAMI RD
1200-1299 MONARCH CT
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2100-2298 RENDOVA PL
5400-5499 RIVERS CT
4300-5299 ROBERTON ST
5379-5499 ROBERTS CT
6400-6427 ROGERS ST
4141-4159 RUIZ CT
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6200-6299 SAIPAN DR
5500-5599 SELBY CT
4111-4128 SELF CT
5100-5199 SHERWOOD CT
5100-5199 SIMPSON CT
5298-5307 SLAUGHTER CT
5000-5099 STAMBAUGH CT
5266-5281 STOUT CT