Zip Codes for Weirsdale, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Weirsdale, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Weirsdale is: 32195 .


Zip Code 1:32195
for Weirsdale in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32195 from IRS Returns: $57,449.73

Congressional District for 32195: 1211

View your Representative for zip code 32195.

Weirsdale Zip code 32195 On Google Maps
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Demographics for 32195
Land Acreage: 54754227
Water Acreage: 14696333
Number of Houses: 1612
Approximate Population: 3328
Male Population: 1608
Female Population: 1720
Pop. Under 10: 358
Pop. 10 to 19: 390
Pop. 20 to 29: 299
Pop. 30 to 39: 297
Pop. 40 to 49: 535
Pop. 50 to 59: 558
Pop. 60 to 69: 463
Pop. 70 to 79: 276
Pop 80 and up: 152

Skip to Roads in 32195 beginning with:
1 B C D E G H I K L M O P S T V W

Streets (94) in zip code: 32195


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
16000-17398 115TH AVE
16000-16499 117TH AVE
16101-16598 122ND TER
16000-16299 128TH TER
16200-17998 130TH AVE
17800-17999 131ST AVE
17500-17999 132ND CT
17500-17999 133RD CT
15700-16899 134TH AVE
16501-17399 134TH AVENUE RD
14000-16799 135TH ST
16200-16399 136TH CT
16001-16498 137TH CT
15500-16499 138TH AVE
15500-17498 140TH AVE
14700-15498 140TH AVENUE RD
14701-15099 140TH COURT RD
15400-16999 142ND CT
14200-14798 143RD TER
14300-14499 144TH AVE
14301-14599 145TH AVE
16100-16198 146TH TER
16500-16798 147TH CT
15301-16399 150TH AVE
16501-17499 150TH AVENUE RD
14000-14499 151ST PLACE RD
14000-14398 152ND PL
16500-16798 152ND PLACE RD
16200-16499 153RD TER
13900-13999 154TH LN
13800-17898 155TH ST
13800-13999 156TH LN
15001-18299 156TH PLACE RD
13401-17899 157TH LN
3800-17999 158TH LN
17500-17999 159TH TER
14000-15699 160TH AVE
16500-17499 160TH AVENUE RD
13601-16398 161ST LN
11500-19199 162ND PL
13600-13999 163RD PL
13601-13799 164TH ST
15600-17399 165TH AVE
13400-13699 166TH PL
13500-13699 167TH LN
13401-17198 168TH CT
11501-16699 170TH AVE
15500-15798 171ST LN
16000-16399 172ND PL
16601-17199 173RD TERRACE RD
13300-13398 174TH PL
13000-15999 175TH ST
16600-16799 175TH TERRACE RD
13800-15999 176TH PL
12800-15999 177TH PL
15800-16199 179TH LN
1000-15399 180TH ST
16500-16899 181ST TER
16000-16199 190TH AVE
15300-15998 190TH AVENUE RD


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
41800-41998 BLUE RIDGE LN


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
41000-41999 COUNTY ROAD 25


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
4901-5398 DOE BRANCH LN


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
41100-41499 EDNA C BLVD
41500-41999 ELEANOR LN


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
41200-41398 GIBRALTER RD
41401-41499 GRAYS AIRPORT RD


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
41501-41599 HARDENBROOK RD
41600-41699 HARLOW PL
41600-41998 HAYWOOD GROVE RD
13601-17999 HIGHWAY 25
11500-19299 HIGHWAY 42


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41201-41299 INFINITY ST


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
41500-41998 KENDRA LN
41500-41699 KITTY HAWK DR


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41500-41999 LILLIAN LN
1500-1998 LINE RD


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41300-41599 MUSTANG TRL


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
41000-41399 OAK GROVE RD
41600-41998 OUTLAW LN


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
63100-63198 PEASTRAL AVE
41100-41399 PONDS LN


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41101-41599 SADDLE RIDGE LN
41501-41899 SCOTSMAN WAY
41200-41598 SLEEPY LN
1500-2599 SMITTY RD
5600-5699 STRONG PT
11400-14799 SUNSET HARBOR RD


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41701-41999 TALL PINE ST


- Go back to: 32195 - or here for the top
4900-5398 VALLEY OAK ST


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5700-5799 WOODS VIEW CT