Zip Codes for Wyaconda, MO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Wyaconda, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Wyaconda is: 63474 .


Zip Code 1:63474
for Wyaconda in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 63474 from IRS Returns: $42,290.91

Congressional District for 63474: 2906

View your Representative for zip code 63474.

Wyaconda Zip code 63474 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 63474
Land Acreage: 173363387
Water Acreage: 757610
Number of Houses: 282
Approximate Population: 479
Male Population: 246
Female Population: 233
Pop. Under 10: 61
Pop. 10 to 19: 56
Pop. 20 to 29: 45
Pop. 30 to 39: 48
Pop. 40 to 49: 60
Pop. 50 to 59: 77
Pop. 60 to 69: 62
Pop. 70 to 79: 40
Pop 80 and up: 30

Skip to Roads in 63474 beginning with:
1 C E G H J K L M N O P R S U W

Streets (79) in zip code: 63474


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
11401-11999 100TH ST
10600-10698 110TH ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
11001-11299 CLARK ST
26000-26099 COMMERCIAL ST
10000-10098 COUNTY ROAD 106E
23201-23299 COUNTY ROAD 110
23400-27099 COUNTY ROAD 111
11800-13099 COUNTY ROAD 118
10900-11499 COUNTY ROAD 119
11700-11799 COUNTY ROAD 120
10600-11298 COUNTY ROAD 124
12901-13899 COUNTY ROAD 125
11700-12199 COUNTY ROAD 127
12501-13598 COUNTY ROAD 128
14701-14799 COUNTY ROAD 129
30001-30099 COUNTY ROAD 156
30300-30599 COUNTY ROAD 162
30700-30798 COUNTY ROAD 206
26001-29799 COUNTY ROAD 208
31601-31699 COUNTY ROAD 209
29300-29598 COUNTY ROAD 211
27900-28998 COUNTY ROAD 212
26500-26598 COUNTY ROAD 213
30301-31099 COUNTY ROAD 214
31600-31899 COUNTY ROAD 215
26501-26599 COUNTY ROAD 217
14800-14898 COUNTY ROAD 218
15301-29299 COUNTY ROAD 219
11600-11698 COUNTY ROAD 220
12600-13998 COUNTY ROAD 221
11001-11998 COUNTY ROAD 222
15301-15699 COUNTY ROAD 224
10500-10598 COUNTY ROAD 225
11400-14599 COUNTY ROAD 226
12101-29998 COUNTY ROAD 228
12000-12098 COUNTY ROAD 228-4
15401-15499 COUNTY ROAD 229
10001-10898 COUNTY ROAD 230
12601-12699 COUNTY ROAD 231
16300-16398 COUNTY ROAD 248
32100-32198 COUNTY ROAD 325
32200-33599 COUNTY ROAD 326
33301-33498 COUNTY ROAD 328
12100-12898 COUNTY ROAD 335
14601-14699 COUNTY ROAD 336
11101-11199 COUNTY ROAD 339
11500-11599 COUNTY ROAD 392
10101-10199 COUNTY ROAD 399
24501-24599 COUNTY ROAD 401
25800-25898 COUNTY ROAD 404
15000-15699 COUNTY ROAD 502


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
11301-25799 ELM ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
10801-10899 GRAND AVE


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
11201-11399 HANNIBAL ST
26000-26098 HIGH ST
10001-15799 HIGHWAY
21400-32999 HIGHWAY A
15001-15099 HIGHWAY D
10301-10399 HIGHWAY U


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
11000-11699 JEFFERSON ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
11300-11598 KAHOKA ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
25600-25798 LINDEN ST
25501-25999 LOCUST ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
10801-10998 MADISON ST
118-25999 MAIN ST
25601-25999 MAPLE ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
25301-25399 NORTH ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
25800-25998 OAK ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
25701-25799 PINE ST
17901-17999 PLENDE ST


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
1005-2530 RR
1075-1355 RR 31
2030-2098 RR 32


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
23800-30498 STATE RTE
26861-26899 STATE ROUTE U


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
11601-11998 US HIGHWAY 136


- Go back to: 63474 - or here for the top
25600-25799 WALNUT ST